The mission of Our First Garden, Inc. (OFG) is to create and facilitate hands-on learning experiences for children in developing countries through the use of learning gardens and outdoor nature play areas. The learning gardens and outdoor play areas will provide experiences for children that are authentic, cross-cultural, standards-based, and interdisciplinary. OFG will motivate and inspire students to engage in environmentally sound decision making processes throughout their lives.
Our First Garden, Inc. (OFG) will establish learning gardens on school sites in developing countries. The gardens will engage students in relevant cross-cultural, standards-based, interdisciplinary, and authentic environmental education and health and nutrition programming focused on sound science and research, environmental knowledge and environmental sensitivity. OFG aims to provide coordinated environmental education professional development that is connected with classroom curriculum and provide youth leadership and youth voice experiences. OFG will motivate and inspire students to engage in environmentally sound decision making processes throughout their lives.
The specific objectives of this corporation shall be to nurture responsible environmental behavior, environmental sensitivity and environmental knowledge in developing countries (Guatemala and Peru, for example) by engaging schools and communities in relevant cross-cultural, standards-based, interdisciplinary, and authentic environmental education health and nutrition programming focused on sound science and research. OFG aims to provide youth leadership opportunities, environmental education programming to students that is synchronized with classroom curriculum and that motivates and inspires students to engage in environmentally sound decision making processes throughout their lives, while connecting with each other using nature as a common denominator.